Thusydidian Reality in Sri Lanka

Thusydidian Reality in Sri Lanka and the Comments on Yuan Wang 5

The small state dilemma is a complex discourse in the realm of International Relations, which dates back to the classical epoch of Thucydides whose seminal work “The History of Peloponnesian War” has been regarded as the first illustration revealing a realist outlook toward interstate relations.  The most famous passage, which is known as the “Melian…Read More

Role of China in South Asia as a Country Leading the BRI

Potential Role of China in South Asia as a Country Leading the BRI

Abstract China has been eyeing South Asia for its economic endeavors for a long time. With the motivation to check India’s power status in the region, coupled with intentions to assert socio-economic and political influence in the region, the Belt and Road Initiative, designed from Chinese heritage and ancient past, has created a shining path…Read More