Contribution of Bangladeshi Women to the Liberation War

Contribution of Bangladeshi Women to the Liberation War

Abstract In the liberation war of Bangladesh, people of all ages participated impulsively. Apart from men, women also came forward to fight against the Pakistani junta and played a significant role in the war. But in the pages of history, we rarely see the heroic presence of women. They are mainly presented as victims of…Read More

Role of China in South Asia as a Country Leading the BRI

Potential Role of China in South Asia as a Country Leading the BRI

Abstract China has been eyeing South Asia for its economic endeavors for a long time. With the motivation to check India’s power status in the region, coupled with intentions to assert socio-economic and political influence in the region, the Belt and Road Initiative, designed from Chinese heritage and ancient past, has created a shining path…Read More

LGBT sexual ritght

Sexual and Gender Based Violence against LGBTQ People in the Global South: A Missing Development Issue

Violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people is very deep-rooted and encountered everywhere, whereas in the context of the Global South it is particularly prevalent. The effects of violence such as exclusion from the labor market, education, healthcare, family and social networks – from the perspective of the poor, may be much…Read More

climate justice

The Ethical Dimension of Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change or Sprinkling Some Fairness on a Pie of Injustice

The year 2019 has so far seen some of the largest climate protests ever in response to increasingly severe and unpredictable weather patterns. While there is a strong scientific consensus that climate change is real and man-made and the public demands that governments do more to curb greenhouse gas emissions, there are still some that…Read More

Who are the Rohingyas?

Who are the Rohingyas?

Abstract:  this article trace down the origin of Rohingyas and also the history of Arakan state, how the Rohingyas evolve in Arakan, the advent of Islam in Arakan when the influx of Rohingyas started at Bengal.  The first settlers of the Chittagong region were the Rohingyas or the people of Arakan.  And the history of…Read More