China's AI Military Revolution and its Security Implications

China’s AI Military Revolution and its Security Implications

China’s rapid rise as a dominant global force in artificial intelligence (AI) has not only reshaped its economic landscape but has also heralded a transformative era in military capabilities and strategies. Moreover, China has executed a multifaceted strategy to consolidate its leadership in the AI domain, involving substantial investments from both the public and private…Read More

Human Trafficking in Africa

Unraveling the Menace of Human Trafficking in Africa

Human trafficking is a grave and pervasive global issue that continues to afflict vulnerable populations worldwide. Within Africa’s heartland, this menace remains a sinister reality, jeopardizing the fundamental rights and dignity of countless individuals. This article delves into the complex web of human trafficking in the heart of Africa, aiming to shed light on the…Read More

IMF's Transformative Endeavor in Argentina

A Critical Analysis of the IMF’s Transformative Endeavor in Argentina

International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a global organization that fosters monetary coordination on an international level, enables commerce between countries, encourages growth in the economy, and upholds financial stability. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Conference, which took place in New Hampshire, USA. IMF’s main goals are to advance…Read More