IMF's Transformative Endeavor in Argentina

A Critical Analysis of the IMF’s Transformative Endeavor in Argentina

International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a global organization that fosters monetary coordination on an international level, enables commerce between countries, encourages growth in the economy, and upholds financial stability. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Conference, which took place in New Hampshire, USA. IMF’s main goals are to advance…Read More

China’s Debt Trap Policy

China’s Debt Trap Policy: Coincidence or intentional?

Abstract China’s initiative, known as the Belt and Road Initiative, started in 2013 and aims to connect Asian, European, and African countries. The main issue faced by these states is their lack of proper infrastructure. China has been helping out many of these states by providing them with loans that seem lucrative, but when these…Read More

Sharing the Ganges: A Bangladesh Perspective on Environmental Impacts and Political Implications

Abstract Among the cross-boundary rivers of two south Asian neighbors Bangladesh and India, the Himalayan river of Ganges occupies a strategically significant place. The largest of the shared rivers is also a major driver in the ecology and livelihood of both territories. A dispute over sharing the Ganges water started with India’s construction of a…Read More

The Role of Money in International Politics

The Role of Money in International Politics: Powerful and Dangerous

ABSTRACT This article will focus on an underappreciated and rarely discussed issue in international politics, the role that money, resources and wealth play in influencing government policies. For example, often overlooked when analyzing post-industrial and post-globalization politics is the rise of the multinational financial, corporate and oil industries as powerful actors influencing State policies and…Read More