Analysis of Global Governance

A Contemporary Analysis of Global Governance

Change in the international system and global order is inherent; thus, it is no wonder that since the advent of the cold war, a gradual shift can be witnessed in the face of intensifying globalization, with global governance at the heart of this transition. Based on the notions of cosmopolitism, utilitarianism, and egalitarianism, the phenomenon…Read More

Systematic Oppression by IMF

Systematic Oppression by IMF: A Case Study of Africa

INTRODUCTION The current international system is structured along the lines of globalization and the neo-liberal philosophy of free trade while being dominated not by a single state but by global institutions, particularly international financial institutions and other multinational organizations. Ultimately, the Bank and the Fund dramatically shape the daily existence of states within the international…Read More

Water Crisis in Middle East

Water Crisis in the Middle East: A Case Study of Euphrates-Tigris River Basin

ABSTRACT Water scarcity leads to insecurity and then conflict. The non-availability of water is an important commodity for the maintenance of livelihood leading to the disruption in international peace and security particularly in water-scarce areas like the middle east. This research work deals with the state of water scarcity at the global level and particularly…Read More