The Implementation of the Khartoum Agreement in the Central African Republic in the Wake of High-Risk Elections

The Implementation of the Khartoum Agreement in the Central African Republic in the Wake of High-Risk Elections

Abstract While legislative and presidential elections are over, the 2019 Khartoum agreement seems harder and harder to implement. Indeed, rebel groups still hold a large part of the country, whereas the government is struggling to restore State authority all over the national territory. The situation is even tenser since former President François BozizĂ© is suspected…Read More

Foreign Aid: A Curse or a Blessing for Sub Saharan Africa?

Foreign Aid: A Curse or a Blessing for Sub Saharan Africa?

ABSTRACT According to the reports of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD), Sub-Saharan African countries top the list of foreign aid recipients. Every year trillions of capital flow to these countries from the developed donor states and international organizations. As surprising as it sounds, this aid often failed to serve its purpose….Read More

third wolrd

The Causes of Underdevelopment in the Third World And Possibility for Human Development

Economic development is a complex process. There are many indicators to be considered and many conventional means that must not be considered. The following is a discussion of the indicators that can be used to define economic development and their plausibility as credible benchmarks of the achievement of economic development.   Changes in Gross Domestic…Read More