Abstract It finally took the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the world to realize that the United Nations Security Council is a lame-duck institution. This article focuses on the need to reform…Read More
Tag: sustainable solution

Food Waste in Numbers: Shaping Global Awareness for Sustainable Food Systems
Food is among the basic need according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In the World Economic Forum (WEF) held in 2015 launched the Global Challenge on Food Security and Agriculture. The forum attended by 1400 leaders in over 500 organizations in 19 countries. This is in support of The Sustainable Development Goals call for Ending…Read More

Building a healthy community by increasing access to modern energy solutions: Improving household cooking condition
More than 90% of households in Ethiopia still depends on some form of solid biomass, i.e. firewood, agricultural waste, animal dung, etc., to fulfill their cooking energy needs. This is done in the traditional way, mostly on the wasteful and smoky three-stone open fire places, and the negative impact of such practice has dire health…Read More

Saline water intrusion in coastal part of Bangladesh: A disaster and its probable recoveries
Saline water intrusion is the movement of seawater into fresh water aquifers or surface reservoir due to natural processes or human activities. As Bangladesh belongs to one of the seaside countries, the adverse impact of saltwater intrusion is significant here. The coastal areas of Bangladesh, with near flat topography and location at the tip of…Read More