Context of Chakma People of Bangladesh

Indigenous people’s right in 21st century: context of Chakma people of Bangladesh

Human Rights are a universally supported phenomenon that protects the birthrights of every human being despite their differences. However, still, there are certain marginalized groups, whose rights are violated and are unjust. Refugee people are one of such misfortune groups. As human beings, the refugee people claim the right to be accepted, recognized, acknowledged, and…Read More

Post Bonn Conference National Machinery and Policies on Gender in Afghanistan

Post Bonn Conference National Machinery and Policies on Gender in Afghanistan

Introduction The paper examines the implementation of the institutional mechanisms related to women’s political participation during the year 2001 to 2014. The year 2001 is important because the international community came together in December 2001 in Bonn Germany to decide the roadmap of Afghanistan’s future. The most recent Presidential election of Afghanistan took place in…Read More

International Institutional Mechanisms on Gender in Afghanistan and 2001, Bonn Conference

International Institutional Mechanisms on Gender in Afghanistan and 2001, Bonn Conference

Introduction The article highlights the significance of international institutional mechanisms for removing gender gap and women empowerment. This article signifies the extent, which these mechanisms help to promote the gender related policy in Afghanistan. So it is important to know the direct or indirect outcome of these mechanisms for increasing the role of women in…Read More

The core debate on Rohingya issue in international relations

The Core Debate on Rohingya Issue in International Relations

Introduction The paper first gives a brief background on the Rohingya issue in Myanmar. The paper highlights how the Rohingya crisis is important in contemporary international relations and it explains what the dominant narratives in the understanding of the event are. So here the Myanmar and Bangladesh became the two important countries to understand the…Read More

Transformation of Hegemony through Media

The Production, Reproduction and Transformation of Hegemony through Media: The Case of Egypt

Introduction The resignation of Mubarak in February 2011 didn’t end the rule of the power centers- which includes the military- that have been in power since the overthrow of the Egyptian monarch in 1952. After his resignation, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) wielded power for almost one year and a half directing the…Read More

Islamophobia in the Western World : Islam, Peace or Terror?

Islamophobia in the Western World: Islam is Peace or Terror?

The world has shaken for the first time when Islamic State captured Mosul in 2014 and started its terrorist juggernaut then. But their action not only made peaceful Islam as a religion of terrorism and hatred in the world, to make it Islamic State help even made this religion to recognize as a phobia as Islamophobia….Read More

Child Abortion: Should it be legal or illegal

Child Abortion: Should it be legal or illegal?

The subject of abortion is perhaps one of the most highly charged issues of our day. Answering the question ‘Should It Be Legal or Illegal?’ honestly takes a pretty much courage, patience and core knowledge. So consequently, there arise a lot of questions regarding this argument. Many of these arguments are fueled with myths, many…Read More

EU migration policy and Visegard 4 countries

EU migration policy and Visegard 4 countries

On the 11th of April 2017, Professor Michela Ceccorulli of the University of Bologna delivered an important speech on the issue of migration, European Union Asylum and migration policies and the Visegrad states reaction. The heavy burden of the refugee crisis carries two South East European countries Italy and Greece, which attract high flows of…Read More