Is the world heading towards a World War III?

Is the world heading towards a World War III?

We proudly declare that we are the citizens of the twenty-first century. With the unprecedented high growth rates, development, the democratization of nations, one might ask, what is there not to be proud of? This view of today’s times paints a very rosy picture compared to what really is going on in the world. Yes,…Read More

Saline Water Intrusion in Coastal Part of Bangladesh

Saline water intrusion in coastal part of Bangladesh: A disaster and its probable recoveries

Saline water intrusion is the movement of seawater into fresh water aquifers or surface reservoir due to natural processes or human activities. As Bangladesh belongs to one of the seaside countries, the adverse impact of saltwater intrusion is significant here. The coastal areas of Bangladesh, with near flat topography and location at the tip of…Read More

Inside Qatar crisis at a glance

Inside Qatar Crisis at a glance

The issue of Qatar crisis is currently being discussed in International politics. Qatar is a tiny country with huge mineral resources like oil and gas. It has been gained a tremendous infrastructural wonders recent times. Recently the crisis with several gulf countries headed by Saudi Arabia has been a highly discussed in international politics. After…Read More

The contemporary debate on political globalization and nation-state

The Contemporary Debate on Political Globalization and Nation-state

The perspective of Political Globalization When we talk about globalization, we can’t define it particularly because of its multidimensional aspect. Scholars defined it in various ways. Shortly, globalization can be defined as the intensification of social relations, exchange of cultures and compression of distance. Globalization can be defined by one’s own point of view. An…Read More

Sustainable Energy Production in Bangladesh

The Road to Sustainable Energy Production in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a developing country in South Asia is one of the potential countries with its geographical location and natural heritage but at stake due to climate impact. As a developing country with an amount of population, its demand for energy is growing fast. Besides, it’s one of the worst vulnerable countries already experiencing climate…Read More

Critical Analysis over Chinese Policy towards Migrant & Refugee

Critical Analysis over Chinese Policy towards Migrant & Refugee

World largest economic entities have long been denounced for their deficiency in hosting refugees. With over 65 millions refugee displacement and resettlement across borders in the post-millennium, less than 5% of refugees are hosted by the five largest economic entities, namely US, China, Japan, UK and Germany. Asian affluent countries are especially reluctant to open…Read More

China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR)

The Chinese new project One Belt One Road: new trend in globalization?

With a rigorous success in trade and business for decades, China has initiated new mega project named “One Belt One Road” (OBOR) in mid-May 2017 in Beijing. The trillion dollars project aims to connect Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa via business and infrastructure. During the two-day forum held in Beijing, Xi Jinping has…Read More

United States vs. North Korea

United States vs. North Korea: who will win???

The current confrontation between United States and North Korea has been seen such a high tensional that it reminds us the devastating consequences of World War. Not only for Korean peninsula bur also a deep concern for world community because may it start another massacre in history. So, what’s the background actually and who will…Read More

Dtrump's Foreign Policy 2017

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy: America First or America Alone?

The newly elected president Donald J Trump is a widely discussed name in current international politics. He has been criticized for a series of controversial decisions. He is ignoring the rules of politics and diplomacy since entering the White House. Though his supporters said he is a revolutionist, other people is worried about his dictatorship…Read More

Climate vulnerability of South Asia

South Asia: how to combat climate vulnerability in a sustainable way

Sharif Mustajib Abstract: the world is facing an ever destining threat in the history. The prolonged global warming has changed topical characteristics of the climate. In these circumstances, South Asian region is projected to one of the worst sufferers of climate change. The characteristics of South Asian climate are as diverse as its landscape. The…Read More