Russia and Turkey as a complex ally: NATO reaction on the purchase of S-400

Russia and Turkey as a Complex Ally: NATO Reaction on the Purchase of S-400

In international politics, there is no permanent friend and enemy. Every country here works only for the national interests. Moscow and Ankara relations status again remind us of this fact. These two countries are working for reducing the tensions in Syria for almost six years and in these six years, their relationship also was in…Read More

Analyze and Explain the Foreign Policy of Bangladesh from Theoretical Perspective

Analyze and Explain the Foreign Policy of Bangladesh from Theoretical Perspective

The formulation of Foreign Policy is a difficult process for small states; it has become more difficult in today’s world. Foreign policy formulation depends on history, geographic location, religion, identity, ethnicity, culture and natural resources. It is an extension of domestic policy. Bangladesh pursues a moderate foreign policy with its neighboring countries. Bangladesh formulates its…Read More

What Does Russia Want in World Politics?

What Does Russia Want in World Politics?

The Collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991 was a major event in world politics. The Communist empire disintegrated leaving the United States of America as the sole superpower of the world. The 1990s were considered to be the era of American hegemony. Under such circumstances, the newly independent Russia was in a setback…Read More

International Institutional Mechanisms on Gender in Afghanistan and 2001, Bonn Conference

International Institutional Mechanisms on Gender in Afghanistan and 2001, Bonn Conference

Introduction The article highlights the significance of international institutional mechanisms for removing gender gap and women empowerment. This article signifies the extent, which these mechanisms help to promote the gender related policy in Afghanistan. So it is important to know the direct or indirect outcome of these mechanisms for increasing the role of women in…Read More

On Climate Change; Philippines Legazpi City Revs Up Climate Action

It is said that the root cause of climate change is a multitude of uncontrolled anthropogenic activities, the progressive advancements on technology and the series of changes dated back a century ago. Many cities had claimed to be progressed in terms of ecological and social balance. On a more critical note, due to these developments,…Read More

What Drives North Korea’s Nuclear Ambition?

What Drives North Korea’s Nuclear Ambition?

With the latest test of Hydrogen bomb on Sunday in North Korea, it may seem as if this country is mad and its leader is senseless. In sharp contrast to ordinary belief, North Korea knows what it is doing, and it continues to do so in defiance to international community namely the United States of…Read More

How Chinese Geopolitics harms Southeast Asian Unity

How Chinese Geopolitics harms Southeast Asian Unity

South China Sea has been disputed among a few countries in Asia especially China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. However, it is China that is claiming the lion share of the sea roughly 90% of it. This dispute is not new and it will certainly remain for years to come. One-third of global maritime shipping…Read More

The core debate on Rohingya issue in international relations

The Core Debate on Rohingya Issue in International Relations

Introduction The paper first gives a brief background on the Rohingya issue in Myanmar. The paper highlights how the Rohingya crisis is important in contemporary international relations and it explains what the dominant narratives in the understanding of the event are. So here the Myanmar and Bangladesh became the two important countries to understand the…Read More

Transformation of Hegemony through Media

The Production, Reproduction and Transformation of Hegemony through Media: The Case of Egypt

Introduction The resignation of Mubarak in February 2011 didn’t end the rule of the power centers- which includes the military- that have been in power since the overthrow of the Egyptian monarch in 1952. After his resignation, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) wielded power for almost one year and a half directing the…Read More

Islamophobia in the Western World : Islam, Peace or Terror?

Islamophobia in the Western World: Islam is Peace or Terror?

The world has shaken for the first time when Islamic State captured Mosul in 2014 and started its terrorist juggernaut then. But their action not only made peaceful Islam as a religion of terrorism and hatred in the world, to make it Islamic State help even made this religion to recognize as a phobia as Islamophobia….Read More