
Critical Analysis of Geopolitical Catastrophes: Realistic View of Contemporary Global Hegemony

Shaukat Afsar   Geopolitics is an amazing subject for study. It helps us to analyze critically real situations. Robert D Kaplan in his famous book The “Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us” said, “As Napoleon said, to know a nation’s geography is to know its foreign policy”. Indeed!  As we come to understand global…Read More


International Relations as a field of academic study

Shaukat Afsar This article may be read by Barack Obama, David Cameron and even Ban ki Moon! If the world community gets some sort of solutions to all these conflicts, global challenges. Because it’s the discussion of International Relations, only where you can find the total solutions! This is the real image interactions beyond our…Read More

UN Secretary General selection: Who will be the leader of “Global Parliament”?

Sharif Mustajib If we consider present UN system as “Global Parliament” we have to admire UN Secretary General as a Global Leader. Thus, s/he will be regarded “1 for 7 billion”. After a long way to centralize global advocacy, UN has passed ups and down through global community. One of these controversies is appointing UN…Read More

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Why Hilary is favorite to me !

Sharif Mustajib Student, International Relations University of Chittagong. The most polarized election of the world on the stage!  You must be able guess apparently that I’m talking about US presidential election where a lady is an actor. Yes! I’m talking about Hillary Clinton, have already wined in primary veteran candidate Bernie Sanders. It would be…Read More